The Difference Between a Day-of Coordinator and a Venue Coordinator
When it comes to wedding planning, one of the most common miss-conceptions a bride or groom will come across is that a venue coordinator is the same thing as a day-of coordinator. Well, as someone who has worked both positions, I’m here to finally set the record straight, lay those rumors to rest, and tell you…they’re not the same thing (and actually provide very different roles throughout your day). The simple explanation of the difference between the two roles is that a venue coordinator is in charge of venue side operations (layout, lighting, room temperature, bar, etc.), whereas a day-of coordinator is in charge of, well, just about everything else (timeline, last minute errands, keeping you on schedule, vendor communication, etc.) Don’t get us wrong, we completely understand that it’s easy to get the two roles confused, I mean, c’mon, the word ‘coordinator’ is in both names- who wouldn’t get the two confused!? We just don’t want you going into your big day thinking you don’t need to hire a day-of coordinator because your venue coordinator will provide you with the same services, when that unfortunately isn’t the case (as much as we wish that was possible). We also understand that a day-of coordinator isn’t for everyone- and that’s totally okay, but we’d make terrible day-of coordinators if we didn’t recommend hiring one- right!?
Whether you choose to hire a day-of of coordinator or not, just know that a venue coordinator and day-of coordinator do have completely different roles, and that’s something that’s better to learn earlier rather than later in the wedding planning process.